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Coffee in a white mug
Therapy Closeup

What You Should Know Before Booking 

Fees and Policies

It is important that we agree on guidelines for our meetings before we start to work our work together.  These guidelines pertain to confidentiality, structure of our appointments, response to emergencies and office policies with respect to payments and cancellations.

Hand Embrace
Book and Coffee at Home

Practice Philosophy

Pragmatism is important.  I aim to use effective evidence-based strategies in a way that balances comfort and change.

What to Expect During Therapy

Our first meeting is used to gather relevant information about your personal  history, problems and strengths as well as things that are important to you.  We use that information to collaboratively build a model that helps us understand the mechanisms that keep you stuck you everyday life.

Young asian man, male suffers from a mental who needs to therapy with a psychologist
taking notes

My Background

I am a registered social worker with over 25 years of clinical experience with solid expertise in cognitive behaviour therapy.  I have opened.  Village Centre CBT in 2019 to offer evidence based therapy in a casual setting and at a slower pace than what I have been used to while working at hospital based clinics.

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