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Life can get painfully confusing...

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) will help us make sense of what is happening. That is a necessary first step to identify what we can change and how to go about it.  Eventually, as our lives improve, we feel better. 


Our feelings are the byproduct of these changes.  We cannot just will ourselves to feel better.

Check this site fully.  It has been prepared to give you enough information to help you reclaim who you are.


Close-up of a psychologist's hands writing down notes about a patient in a notebook

What is CBT?

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy with a clear theoretical framework. CBT aims to relieve emotional distress and interpersonal difficulties in a supportive and collaborative manner and to impart a set of skills that can help you build a rewarding life.


CBT has been around for many years and generated a large body of research that produced a range of effective interventions to target anxiety, depression and interpersonal difficulties. CBT therapists do not offer interpretations.  We work with you to gather real life data to identify factors that keep you stuck.  


When things get tough, it is tempting to do anything to reduce the pain that is felt at the time.  It is natural to avoid, overcompensate, to become excessively vigilant and irritable. Yet, all those efforts lack the desired effectiveness.  We worry about our problems but have no confidence to tackle them.  Fortunately, that vicious cycle can be dismantled.  Like in the diagram below, CBT helps you break those overwhelming experiences into smaller, easier to manage components.  Important life decisions can only be made when we achieve some clarity of mind.

Trigger Chart
Worried black woman at home alone at night

Let's Connect

You can book an appointment online using the booking calendar, send me an email
or call/text me at 416-550-1072.

Not sure what to do?
How about a quick consult?

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